Quest for Thelda Strategy Guide
About the Game
Quest for Thelda is an adventure game for the Tandy CoCo3 written by Eric A. Wolf and licensed to / published by Sundog Systems in 1989.
View maps of the game here.
Note: This is still very much a work in progress.
Start by heading Left one screen and Down until you see a bridge. Crossing this bridge will take you to the first dungeon.
Dungeon 1
- Head Up and Right to get a key.
- Left, Up, Right to get second key.
- Up, Right, Up to get the hammer.
- Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left for another key.
- Right, Up, Left, Up for another key.
- The "SDS" easter egg room is Left, Up.
- Up and Right take you to the boss.
- Get underneath the dragon and stab up to avoid getting shot.
- One more room Right to get the Life Force.
From here, exit and cross the bridge. Head Down one screen, and Left to the screen after the large rock. Go Up two screens, Right, and Down to get to Dungeon 2.
Dungeon 2
- Head Up and Right to get a key.
- Left, Up, bomb through the North wall, and Left twice to get the ring.
- From the stairs, Right twice, Down, and Left to get a key.
- Right three rooms to get another key.
- Left, Up, Right twice to get the spell of Magic Mapping.
- Left twice, Up twice, Right to get to the boss.
- This dragon moves back and forth. Stay a little lower under him to dodge shots and stab up.
- One more room Right to get the Life Force.
Exit the dungeon, and go Up, Left, Up, and then Right as far as you can. When you hit the river, go Up, Right two screens, Up and Left to get to Dungeon 3.
Dungeon 3
- Go Up, Up, Bomb Left, Left, Down to get the Plank.
- From the return stairs, Up, Up, Right, Right, Up, Up, Right to get the Flute.
- From the return stairs, Left, Left to get the Spell of Life Restoration.
- Right, Down, Down, Down, Right, Up, Right to the boss.
- The square orbits the room and shoots. The hitbox is SIGNIFICANTLY larger than the box - use audio cues or watch your health to see if you're receiving damage.
- One more room Right to get the Life Force.
After you exit Dungeon 3, head to the Right. If you need a health refill, head Down to the fairy fountain; otherwise, turn Left at the three cactuses and (using the Plank) follow the around lake counter-clockwise. Crossing a river along the bottom of the lake will net you a magic upgrade. If you have 100 coins, the shop at the bottom-right corner will sell you a candle. When you see the gaps between platforms in the water, use the Plank to head Up into dungeon 4.
Dungeon 4
- Go Left, grab the key, and then Right, Right and grab another key.
- Up, Right, Up, Up to a room with 4 blocks in the middle.
- Up, Left from there to get the Teleportation Tornado.
- Left from there to get the spell of Invincibility.
- Down, Down, Left, Down, Left to get back to the start room.
- Left, Up, Left, Up a few rooms to the old man. Get the key.
- Right twice to get to the boss. Note: If you go Down, you'll need to go buy another key.
- NOTE: Add something about the Crystal Ball? Esp. in regards to invincibility?
- Just beat on the boss until he splits then target them separately.
- One more room Right to get the Life Force.
Exit Dungeon Four, and head Down, Left, Down, and then Right until the screen after the big rock. There are two upgrades recommended to get here:
- There is a sword upgrade if you head Down, Left, Down.
- You can get another Heart Container if you head Down, Left, Left, Up.
Dungeon 5
- Go Left, grab the key, and then Right, Right and grab another key.
- Up, Right, Up, Up to a room with 4 blocks in the middle.
- Up, Left from there to get the Teleportation Tornado.
- Left from there to get the spell of Invincibility.
- Down, Down, Left, Down, Left to get back to the start room.
- Left, Up, Left, Up a few rooms to the old man. Get the key.
- Right twice to get to the boss. Note: If you go Down, you'll need to go buy another key.
- NOTE: Add something about the Crystal Ball? Esp. in regards to invincibility?
- Just beat on the boss until he splits then target them separately.
- One more room Right to get the Life Force.
Head Right until you get to the river. Go Up, Right, Down to cross the bridge, and continue to the Right until you hit the large empty room. Down from here is the graveyard - leave through the Left side and go Down to reach Dungeon 6.
Dungeon 6
- Going up will net you a warning, and a map and compass.
- This dungeon requires 3 keys (or the magic key). There are no keys in here.
- Heading right from the start will present a fairly linear (winding) path to the boss.
Speedrunning Guide
Note: This is still very much a work in progress.
Start by heading left one screen and down until you see a bridge. Crossing this bridge will take you to the first dungeon.
Dungeon 1
- Notes: Is it faster to grab an extra key here for D3?
- The hammer isn't necessary for this run, we're skipping it.
- You only need two keys to get to the boss. Grab either one (UL or UR) and return to 9 square room.
- Up, Left, Up, get key, Up, Right
Dungeon 2
- Safety Strat: Getting the ring. Optional.
- Up, Right, get key
- Left, Up, Bomb Up, Left, Left for ring
- Right, Right, Down, Right, Up to top (get key), Right to boss room.
- Speed Strat: Skip the ring, straight to boss.
- Up, Up, Right, Up to top (get key), Right to boss.
Dungeon 3
- Notes: We need the plank for D4, skip the whistle and spell though. Save a key if you can?
- Go Up, Up, Bomb Left, Left, Down to get the Plank.
- From the return stairs, Up, Up, Right, Right, Down, Right, Up to the boss entrance.
Dungeon 4
- Note: We don't really need the item or spell here.
- Left, Up, Left, Up to top, Right to boss.
Dungeon 5
- Note: The key might be worth getting earlier?
- If you head Right from the entrance, and take the first staircase you see, the path is linear and one-key to the boss.
Dungeon 6
- Follow the right wall, it'll zig-zag you straight to the boss.
Tips and Tricks
Coming soon!
I found the Hint Book on the internet, why are these maps different?
The maps as presented in the hint book do not line up with the actual layout of the rooms. In fact, since Boss rooms and Life Force rules are both always entered from the right, the maps as presented in the hint book are topologically impossible assuming that the ground is flat. The maps drawn here are laid out in the same way as the hint book, with lines to indicate any inconsistent connections.